Что лучше «ложь во спасение» или «горькая» правда? Этим вопросом человечество задается на протяжении столетий. Правда и ложь, добро и зло всегда стоят рядом, они неотделимы. Столкновение этих понятий является основой многих всемирно известных литературных произведений. Среди них и социально-философская пьеса М. Горького “На дне”. Суть ее — в столкновении жизненных позиций и взглядов разных людей.
You asked me about my attitude to travelling. Well, I like to travel by plane because it is very fast. I am not afraid of flying because our modern aircrafts are very safe. I have travelled by plane a lot and want to do it again and again.
You asked me about things I usually talk about with my friends. Well, I prefer to talk about the Internet technologies, music and movies. Actually, I discuss the same things with my parents, because they are both interested in such topics.
You asked me about summer camps in Russia. Well, I know a lot about them. There are two kinds of camps in Russia: for sports and recreation. Actually, both of them are very popular with kids who like them because they have a good time there. I have never been to any summer camp and I regret about it.
Thank you for your letter. It was lovely to hear from you again. I haven’t written so long because I have been up to my ears in exams.
You asked me about events which are usually held at my school. Well, we actually don’t have Science Week, but we have other events like that called «Week of Russian», «Week of Physics» etc. I often take part in them.
You asked me about choosing a career. Well, I have decided to become a self-employed businessman because it is an independent and a well-paid job. My parents think that it is a good choice.
Как следует воспитывать детей, чтобы они не выросли эгоистами? Над такой
нравственной проблемой заставляет нас задуматься В.В. Вересаев.
В чем состоит подлинное назначение искусства? Над таким эстетическим вопросом заставляет нас задуматься В. Конецкий.
Я согласен с позицией автора и также считаю, что навещать родственников погибших друзей – это долг порядочного человека.
Мстить или отказаться от мести? Над таким вопросом задумывается В. Закруткин.
Одинаково ли представляют себе счастье разные люди? Над таким философским вопросом размышляет А. П. Чехов.
Все ли жизненные обстоятельства подвластны человеческой воле? Над таким вопросом задумывается Н. Варенцов.
Nowadays everybody is not aware of the ecological problems that humanity faces. Some people think that we need not recycle litter. Others believe that we have to dispose of rubbish.
I can say that I am fond of celebrations. It is the time when you can forget about your life problems and take a rest from a working life. In addition to it, you have a lot of spare time to do whatever you want.
The traditions govern all aspects of social life. Some people think that they can do a lot of good. Others believe that they can prevent scientific and technological progress.
Many of us like travelling. Some people think that international tourism has benefits for both sides. Others believe that it is harmful to the environment.
Some people think that talent plays the most important role for achieving success in life. Others believe that there are other priorities.
Some people are fond of watching soap operas; others prefer to watch other kinds of TV programmes.
Some people think that kids should work starting from the age of 14; others believe that they have to become adults before going to work.
There are many different kinds of books lion’s share of which are adventure books. Some people believe that reading adventure stories cannot do a lot of good. Others think in opposite way.
Poetry is a very popular kind of literature. But some people think that we do not need it in our life. Nevertheless, poetry is a powerful tool of improving our spiritual world.
Some people think that mass media should be more strictly controlled. Others believe that controls should be loosened to give people freer access to information.
Some people think that journalists ought to be more careful and considerate about covering events connected with violence. Others believe that we have a right to know everything happening in our society.
The problem of attitude to work has always been a critical issue. Some people think that a high income is the most valuable thing in a successful career. Others believe that there are other priorities.
Many people on our Planet have hobbies. Some people think that hobbies have become useless in modern world. Others believe that it is not true.
There are plenty kinds of sport. Some people think that the extreme sports should be a part of our activities; others believe that we must avoid them, because of the danger being injured.
Nowadays not all people are aware of the ecological problems that humanity faces. Some people think that individuals can do much to help the environment. Others believe that we do a lot for saving the nature of Earth.
Some people think that English should be the only foreign language taught at our school. Others believe that German, French and Spanish should continue.
It is said that many countries spend lots of money on space exploration. Some people think that it is a right way; others believe that there is a better way to use the money.
Some people think that 6 days a week study is more convenient for pupils. Others believe that our children ought not to go to school on Saturdays.
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