Главная » 2013 » Май » 23 » Many people believe that in our high-paced world, hobbies are useless. Сочинение C2 (английский язык) в формате ЕГЭ-2014
Many people believe that in our high-paced world, hobbies are useless. Сочинение C2 (английский язык) в формате ЕГЭ-2014
Many people believe that in our high-paced world, hobbies are useless.
          Many people on our Planet have hobbies. Some people think that hobbies have become useless in modern world. Others believe that it is not true.
          In my opinion, hobbies can do a lot of good. To begin with, they help people to spend their free time. There are those who like playing the piano or guitar. Others prefer reading books or crossing stitch. Secondly, if you are doing your favorite thing you can become famous. For example, if you are fond of music you can write some great tunes and became a musician. By the way, many popular singers, architects, artists became popular only because of their hobbies.
          However, there are those who think that hobbies are a waste of time. They believe that people should concentrate on their work and not avert attention on their favorite things. It is connected with high pace of our hectic world.
          I totally disagree with this opinion. I think that people should have a hobby because our life might become boring without doing things that we are really interested in. And it doesn’t matter whether our world is high-paced or not. We must allocate time on our hobbies.
          In conclusion, I am strongly convinced that we have to spare time on our favorite things. Hobbies are very useful for our life.
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