Главная » 2013 » Май » 23 » Talent and Success. Сочинение C2 (английский язык) в формате ЕГЭ-2014
Talent and Success. Сочинение C2 (английский язык) в формате ЕГЭ-2014
Many people believe that talent plays the most important role for achieving success in life.

          Some people think that talent plays the most important role for achieving success in life. Others believe that there are other priorities.
          In my opinion, talent can do a lot of good. First of all, talented people are really interested in things that they are doing. That is why they can create things much better than people who do not have talent in a certain area.  For example, our modern pop-singers are creating really shit music because they are doing it for money, they are not talented.  The society will forget about them after 3-4 months of success, but Michael Jackson, who was very gifted, will never be forgotten, in my opinion. Secondly, talented people are very good interlocutors. They always have a hobby and can talk about it for hours. Being very charismatic, they can reach great heights at their work.
          On the other hand, there are those who think that talent is useless. They believe that you can achieve success in life without being talented. All you need is money and good relationships with a group of influential people.
          I cannot agree or disagree with this opinion. I think, that if you are gifted you can become successful without any help from other people. But if you are not talented, you can manage your life with some support from influential people.
          In conclusion, I am strongly convinced that if you want to become a successful person you need to open any talent in yourself. Otherwise, it will be not easy to achieve success without being helped.
Категория: Английский язык | Просмотров: 18673 | Добавил: Cepega | Рейтинг: 3.0/2